

    BFC-Menu version 3.01 til DOS. Filerne placeres i mappen C:\BFCMENU og programmet startes med BFCMENU.BAT

    GunCon2PC Driver

    Smog's GunCon2PC driver version 0.9b6. Only works on Windows XP 32 bit.

    MSR605 Card Reader/Writer Software

    Software for the MSR605 Card Reader/Writer. Allows you to read, write and erase cards with a magnetic strip (credit cards). This software is only for reading/writing the ISO format. MSR605 hardware required.

    MSR605 USB Driver

    Driver for the MSR605 card reader/writer.

    Ultimarc ArcadeVGA 5000 BIOS

    Can (in theory) be flashed to any generic Radeon HD 5450 to make it capable of displaying native arcade-resolutions over VGA.

    Ultimarc ArcadeVGA 5000 Drivers

    Includes Drivers and Control Panel for the Ultimarc ArcadeVGA 5000 PCIe card.

    WinGun V0.82B

    WinGun is a program which allows you to use a Guncon2 or compatible lightgun with a windows computer, through a composite video connection.